You Can’t Afford to Miss TD Tonight!

Hello TD,

I have taken the day off of work to prep for TD tonight, and I am sitting here with chills running through me.

No, I am not sick.  I am just sobered by the challenge and weightiness we will have before us tonight, and by the issues we will work through and discuss together.  Frankly, I am uncomfortable and a little nervous at “going there” with you tonight. It isn’t going to be “fun”, but it IS going to be impacting in your life, I believe.

We will have an interactive time together of working through the issues together.  Please make the effort to make it to, “A Change of Mind” tonight!  See you soon! – Arthur


TD This Friday – “A Change of Mind”


Hello TD!

This Friday, we continue our back-to-the-basics theme of “Christ For Real.”  We will continue to learn what we thought we knew (but are realizing we really don’t) in a clear, detailed, in-depth way.  This week, I will teach on “A Change of Mind,” (aka “repentance), what it really means, why it is essential, and how to live it out.  I hope you can make it.!

– Arthur